The Future
5 primary schools (at present only 3 are functioning)
Over four thousand children from BPL (below poverty line) families have passed out from these schools.
- Continued support for BPL (below poverty line) children so that they are released from poverty & saved from human trafficking.
- Higher education up to class 12th
- Reopening the two primary schools shut down due to lack of funds
Adult Literacy
14 Adult literacy centers (at present only two are functioning centers)
3125 BPL adults literate from literacy centers, 852 are women.
- 18000 BPL (below poverty line) adults are still illiterate in target areas.
- 5000 BPL (below poverty line) young adults can get skills training in alternative employment.
Computer Training
Computer skill training (at present the computer learning center is closed)
345 BPL students passed.
212 BPL students employed.
- 7000 BPL students still have no access to computer learning in target areas.
Women Empowerment – Skill training
Skill training (at present all centers are closed)
849 women learnt to sew & stitch.
55 women started earning through learnt skills.
- 8500 women illiterate.
- Programs that need to be revived -Stitching & sewing, battery making, leaf plate making and candle making.
Medical- Health Care
Medical, Family planning and childcare programs were successfully running for five years.
43044 number of couples reached for contraceptives
10392 women reached for Pre-pregnancy and post maternal care
33482 Infants immunized
14433 children (1-5 yr) immunized
324 women adopted permanent family planning
- Regular awareness programs for personal hygiene and sexually transmitted diseases.
- Supply of hygiene kits.